How to copy Tiktok link and share link quickly

How to copy Tiktok link and share link quickly

Have you mastered the art of copying various links from TikTok yet? If not, let me walk you through how to copy and share different types of links from TikTok, a leading social media entertainment platform. For TikTok enthusiasts, knowing how to share content ranging from videos to music or playlists not only broadens your connectivity but also enhances creativity. Let’s dive into these simple steps to get it done!

How to Copy a TikTok Video Link:

  • Open the TikTok app on your phone or visit on your computer.
  • Navigate to the video whose link you wish to copy.
  • Tap on the share icon next to the video.
  • Select “Copy link.”
  • The video link is now copied, and you can paste it anywhere.

Example TikTok link formats:


How to Copy a TikTok Story Link:

  • Open the TikTok app or visit the website.
  • Find the story video you want to link to.
  • Tap on the share icon.
  • Select “Copy link.”
  • Paste the link wherever you like.

Example formats:


How to Copy a TikTok Image (Slide) Link:

  • Access TikTok via the app or web.
  • Locate the image you want to link.
  • Tap the share icon.
  • Choose “Copy link.”
  • You can now paste this link anywhere.

Example formats:


How to Copying a TikTok Hashtag Link:

  1. Open TikTok and select a video with your desired hashtag.
  2. Tap on the hashtag in the video description.
  3. Swipe to the Hashtag tab and select the specific hashtag (e.g., #TikTok, #Snaptiktok).
  4. Tap the arrow icon and choose “Copy link.”

Example formats:


How to Copy a TikTok Playlist Link

  • Open the TikTok app.
  • Choose a playlist from a TikTok account or from under a video.
  • Tap the arrow icon at the top right.
  • Select “Copy link.”
  • The playlist link is copied to your clipboard for sharing.

Example playlist link formats:


How to Copying a TikTok Username:

  • Open TikTok app or website.
  • If using the app, go to the user’s profile page you’re interested in.
  • Press and hold the TikTok username below their profile picture, e.g., @Snaptik.
  • You’ll see a notification that the “Tiktok ID has been copied.”
  • The username is now ready to be pasted wherever needed.

How to Copying a TikTok Profile (Channel) Link!

  1. Open the TikTok app.
  2. Go to the channel you wish to share.
  3. Tap the arrow icon at the top right.
  4. Select “Copy link.”



How to Copy a TikTok MP3 Link

  • Open a video with the music you want.
  • Tap the spinning record icon (bottom right).
  • Hit the share icon (arrow).
  • Choose “Copy file link.”

Now you know how to grab links of all sorts on TikTok. Good luck!

Sharing TikTok Links on Facebook, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, etc.

  1. Open the TikTok app or website.
  2. Select the video you want to share.
  3. Tap the share button (arrow icon).
  4. Choose the platform icon where you want to share: e.g., Facebook, Instagram Story, Messenger, etc.

How to Sharing Downloaded TikTok Videos:

  • Download the video via
  • Open the app where you want to share (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube…).
  • Create a new post or Story and select the downloaded video to share.
  • Add a title, description, and other options to your post.
  • Share with your friends and followers.

Note: When sharing TikTok videos, you can choose to share publicly or with friends only. Some social media platforms may limit video length.

How to Copying a Douyin Video Link

  1. Open the Douyin app or website.
  2. Find the video you wish to share.
  3. Tap the arrow icon.
  4. Select “Copy link.”

Example Douyin video links:


Through this guide, you’ve learned how to easily copy and share links from TikTok, from video links, music, playlists, to usernames and even Douyin video links.

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